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Experiment Tracking

Experiment Tracking is almost an essential part of machine learning. It is critical in upholding reproduceability. PyTorch Tabular embraces this and supports experiment tracking internally. Currently, PyTorch Tabular supports two experiment Tracking Framework:

  1. Tensorboard
  2. Weights and Biases

Tensorboard logging is barebones. PyTorch Tabular just logs the losses and metrics to tensorboard. W&B tracking is much more feature rich - in addition to tracking losses and metrics, it can also track the gradients of the different layers, logits of your model across epochs, etc.

Basic Usage

  • project_name: str: The name of the project under which all runs will be logged. For Tensorboard this defines the folder under which the logs will be saved and for W&B it defines the project name
  • run_name: str: The name of the run; a specific identifier to recognize the run. If left blank, will be assigned a auto-generated name based on the task.
  • log_target: str: Determines where logging happens - Tensorboard or W&B. Choices are: wandb tensorboard. Defaults to tensorboard

Usage Example

experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(project_name="MyAwesomeProject", run_name="my_cool_new_model", log_target="wandb")

Advanced Usage

Track Gradients

It is a good idea to track gradients to monitor if the model is learning as it is supposed to. There are two ways you can do that.

  1. exp_watch parameter in ExperimentConfig can be set to "gradients" and choose log_target as "wandb". This will track a histogram of gradients across epochs.

Gradient histograms

  1. You can also set track_grad_norm to 1 or 2 for L1 or L2 norm of the gradients. This works for both Tensorboard ad W&B.

Gradient histograms

Track Logits

Sometimes, it also helps to track the Logits of the model. As training progresses, the Logits should become more pronounced or concentrated around the target that we are trying to model.

This can be done using the parameter log_logits in ExperimentConfig.

Gradient histograms

pytorch_tabular.config.ExperimentConfig dataclass

Experiment configuration. Experiment Tracking with WandB and Tensorboard.


Name Type Description Default
project_name str

The name of the project under which all runs will be logged. For Tensorboard this defines the folder under which the logs will be saved and for W&B it defines the project name

run_name Optional[str]

The name of the run; a specific identifier to recognize the run. If left blank, will be assigned an auto-generated name

exp_watch Optional[str]

The level of logging required. Can be gradients, parameters, all or None. Defaults to None. Choices are: [gradients,parameters,all,None].

log_target str

Determines where logging happens - Tensorboard or W&B. Choices are: [wandb,tensorboard].

log_logits bool

Turn this on to log the logits as a histogram in W&B

exp_log_freq int

step count between logging of gradients and parameters.

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/config/
class ExperimentConfig:
    """Experiment configuration. Experiment Tracking with WandB and Tensorboard.

        project_name (str): The name of the project under which all runs will be logged. For Tensorboard
                this defines the folder under which the logs will be saved and for W&B it defines the project name

        run_name (Optional[str]): The name of the run; a specific identifier to recognize the run. If left
                blank, will be assigned an auto-generated name

        exp_watch (Optional[str]): The level of logging required.  Can be `gradients`, `parameters`, `all`
                or `None`. Defaults to None. Choices are: [`gradients`,`parameters`,`all`,`None`].

        log_target (str): Determines where logging happens - Tensorboard or W&B. Choices are:

        log_logits (bool): Turn this on to log the logits as a histogram in W&B

        exp_log_freq (int): step count between logging of gradients and parameters.


    project_name: str = field(
            "help": "The name of the project under which all runs will be logged."
            " For Tensorboard this defines the folder under which the logs will be saved"
            " and for W&B it defines the project name"

    run_name: Optional[str] = field(
            "help": "The name of the run; a specific identifier to recognize the run."
            " If left blank, will be assigned a auto-generated name"
    exp_watch: Optional[str] = field(
            "help": "The level of logging required.  Can be `gradients`, `parameters`, `all` or `None`."
            " Defaults to None",
            "choices": ["gradients", "parameters", "all", None],

    log_target: str = field(
            "help": "Determines where logging happens - Tensorboard or W&B",
            "choices": ["wandb", "tensorboard"],
    log_logits: bool = field(
        metadata={"help": "Turn this on to log the logits as a histogram in W&B"},

    exp_log_freq: int = field(
        metadata={"help": "step count between logging of gradients and parameters."},

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.log_target == "wandb":
                import wandb  # noqa: F401
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError(
                    "No W&B installation detected. `pip install wandb` to install W&B if you set log_target as `wandb`"