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Configuration Classes

A model class for Linear Head configuration; serves as a template and documentation. The models take a dictionary as input, but if there are keys which are not present in this model class, it'll throw an exception.


Name Type Description Default
layers str

Hyphen-separated number of layers and units in the classification/regression head. E.g. 32-64-32. Default is just a mapping from intput dimension to output dimension

activation str

The activation type in the classification head. The default activation in PyTorch like ReLU, TanH, LeakyReLU, etc.

dropout float

probability of a classification element to be zeroed.

use_batch_norm bool

Flag to include a BatchNorm layer after each Linear Layer+DropOut

initialization str

Initialization scheme for the linear layers. Defaults to kaiming. Choices are: [kaiming,xavier,random].

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
class LinearHeadConfig:
    """A model class for Linear Head configuration; serves as a template and documentation. The models take a
    dictionary as input, but if there are keys which are not present in this model class, it'll throw an exception.

        layers (str): Hyphen-separated number of layers and units in the classification/regression head.
                E.g. 32-64-32. Default is just a mapping from intput dimension to output dimension

        activation (str): The activation type in the classification head. The default activation in PyTorch
                like ReLU, TanH, LeakyReLU, etc.

        dropout (float): probability of a classification element to be zeroed.

        use_batch_norm (bool): Flag to include a BatchNorm layer after each Linear Layer+DropOut

        initialization (str): Initialization scheme for the linear layers. Defaults to `kaiming`. Choices
                are: [`kaiming`,`xavier`,`random`].


    layers: str = field(
            "help": "Hyphen-separated number of layers and units in the classification/regression head. eg. 32-64-32."
            " Default is just a mapping from intput dimension to output dimension"
    activation: str = field(
            "help": "The activation type in the classification head. The default activation in PyTorch"
            " like ReLU, TanH, LeakyReLU, etc."
    dropout: float = field(
        metadata={"help": "probability of an classification element to be zeroed."},
    use_batch_norm: bool = field(
        metadata={"help": "Flag to include a BatchNorm layer after each Linear Layer+DropOut"},
    initialization: str = field(
            "help": "Initialization scheme for the linear layers. Defaults to `kaiming`",
            "choices": ["kaiming", "xavier", "random"],

MixtureDensityHead configuration.


Name Type Description Default
num_gaussian int

Number of Gaussian Distributions in the mixture model. Defaults to 1

sigma_bias_flag bool

Whether to have a bias term in the sigma layer. Defaults to False

mu_bias_init Optional[List]

To initialize the bias parameter of the mu layer to predefined cluster centers. Should be a list with the same length as number of gaussians in the mixture model. It is highly recommended to set the parameter to combat mode collapse. Defaults to None

weight_regularization Optional[int]

Whether to apply L1 or L2 Norm to the MDN layers. Defaults to L2. Choices are: [1,2].

lambda_sigma Optional[float]

The regularization constant for weight regularization of sigma layer. Defaults to 0.1

lambda_pi Optional[float]

The regularization constant for weight regularization of pi layer. Defaults to 0.1

lambda_mu Optional[float]

The regularization constant for weight regularization of mu layer. Defaults to 0

softmax_temperature Optional[float]

The temperature to be used in the gumbel softmax of the mixing coefficients. Values less than one leads to sharper transition between the multiple components. Defaults to 1

n_samples int

Number of samples to draw from the posterior to get prediction. Defaults to 100

central_tendency str

Which measure to use to get the point prediction. Defaults to mean. Choices are: [mean,median].

speedup_training bool

Turning on this parameter does away with sampling during training which speeds up training, but also doesn't give you visibility on train metrics. Defaults to False

log_debug_plot bool

Turning on this parameter plots histograms of the mu, sigma, and pi layers in addition to the logits(if log_logits is turned on in experment config). Defaults to False

input_dim int

The input dimensions to the head. This will be automatically filled in while initializing from the backbone.output_dim

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
class MixtureDensityHeadConfig:
    """MixtureDensityHead configuration.

        num_gaussian (int): Number of Gaussian Distributions in the mixture model. Defaults to 1

        sigma_bias_flag (bool): Whether to have a bias term in the sigma layer. Defaults to False

        mu_bias_init (Optional[List]): To initialize the bias parameter of the mu layer to predefined
                cluster centers. Should be a list with the same length as number of gaussians in the mixture
                model. It is highly recommended to set the parameter to combat mode collapse. Defaults to None

        weight_regularization (Optional[int]): Whether to apply L1 or L2 Norm to the MDN layers. Defaults
                to L2. Choices are: [`1`,`2`].

        lambda_sigma (Optional[float]): The regularization constant for weight regularization of sigma
                layer. Defaults to 0.1

        lambda_pi (Optional[float]): The regularization constant for weight regularization of pi layer.
                Defaults to 0.1

        lambda_mu (Optional[float]): The regularization constant for weight regularization of mu layer.
                Defaults to 0

        softmax_temperature (Optional[float]): The temperature to be used in the gumbel softmax of the
                mixing coefficients. Values less than one leads to sharper transition between the multiple
                components. Defaults to 1

        n_samples (int): Number of samples to draw from the posterior to get prediction. Defaults to 100

        central_tendency (str): Which measure to use to get the point prediction. Defaults to mean. Choices
                are: [`mean`,`median`].

        speedup_training (bool): Turning on this parameter does away with sampling during training which
                speeds up training, but also doesn't give you visibility on train metrics. Defaults to False

        log_debug_plot (bool): Turning on this parameter plots histograms of the mu, sigma, and pi layers
                in addition to the logits(if log_logits is turned on in experment config). Defaults to False

        input_dim (int): The input dimensions to the head. This will be automatically filled in while
                initializing from the `backbone.output_dim`


    num_gaussian: int = field(
            "help": "Number of Gaussian Distributions in the mixture model. Defaults to 1",
    sigma_bias_flag: bool = field(
            "help": "Whether to have a bias term in the sigma layer. Defaults to False",
    mu_bias_init: Optional[List] = field(
            "help": "To initialize the bias parameter of the mu layer to predefined cluster centers."
            " Should be a list with the same length as number of gaussians in the mixture model."
            " It is highly recommended to set the parameter to combat mode collapse. Defaults to None",

    weight_regularization: Optional[int] = field(
            "help": "Whether to apply L1 or L2 Norm to the MDN layers. Defaults to L2",
            "choices": [1, 2],

    lambda_sigma: Optional[float] = field(
            "help": "The regularization constant for weight regularization of sigma layer. Defaults to 0.1",
    lambda_pi: Optional[float] = field(
            "help": "The regularization constant for weight regularization of pi layer. Defaults to 0.1",
    lambda_mu: Optional[float] = field(
            "help": "The regularization constant for weight regularization of mu layer. Defaults to 0",
    softmax_temperature: Optional[float] = field(
            "help": "The temperature to be used in the gumbel softmax of the mixing coefficients."
            " Values less than one leads to sharper transition between the multiple components. Defaults to 1",
    n_samples: int = field(
            "help": "Number of samples to draw from the posterior to get prediction. Defaults to 100",
    central_tendency: str = field(
            "help": "Which measure to use to get the point prediction. Defaults to mean",
            "choices": ["mean", "median"],
    speedup_training: bool = field(
            "help": "Turning on this parameter does away with sampling during training which speeds up training,"
            " but also doesn't give you visibility on train metrics. Defaults to False",
    log_debug_plot: bool = field(
            "help": "Turning on this parameter plots histograms of the mu, sigma, and pi layers in addition"
            " to the logits(if log_logits is turned on in experment config). Defaults to False",
    input_dim: int = field(
            "help": "The input dimensions to the head. This will be automatically filled in while initializing"
            " from the `backbone.output_dim`",
    _probabilistic: bool = field(default=True)

Head Classes

Bases: Head

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
class LinearHead(Head):
    _config_template = head_config.LinearHeadConfig

    def __init__(self, in_units: int, output_dim: int, config, **kwargs):
        # Linear Layers
        _layers = []
        _curr_units = in_units
        for units in config.layers.split("-"):
            except ValueError:
                if units == "":
                    raise ValueError(f"Invalid units {units} in layers {config.layers}")
            _curr_units = int(units)
        # Appending Final Output
        _layers.append(nn.Linear(_curr_units, output_dim))
        linear_layers = nn.Sequential(*_layers)
        _initialize_layers(config.activation, config.initialization, linear_layers)

Bases: Module

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
class MixtureDensityHead(nn.Module):
    _config_template = head_config.MixtureDensityHeadConfig

    def __init__(self, config: DictConfig, **kwargs):
        self.hparams = config

    def _build_network(self):
        self.pi = nn.Linear(self.hparams.input_dim, self.hparams.num_gaussian)
        self.sigma = nn.Linear(
        ) = nn.Linear(self.hparams.input_dim, self.hparams.num_gaussian)
        if self.hparams.mu_bias_init is not None:
            for i, bias in enumerate(self.hparams.mu_bias_init):
                nn.init.constant_([i], bias)

    def forward(self, x):
        pi = self.pi(x)
        sigma = self.sigma(x)
        # Applying modified ELU activation
        sigma = nn.ELU()(sigma) + 1 + 1e-15
        mu =
        return pi, sigma, mu

    def gaussian_probability(self, sigma, mu, target, log=False):
        """Returns the probability of `target` given MoG parameters `sigma` and `mu`.

            sigma (BxGxO): The standard deviation of the Gaussians. B is the batch
                size, G is the number of Gaussians, and O is the number of
                dimensions per Gaussian.
            mu (BxGxO): The means of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, G is the
                number of Gaussians, and O is the number of dimensions per Gaussian.
            target (BxI): A batch of target. B is the batch size and I is the number of
                input dimensions.
            probabilities (BxG): The probability of each point in the probability
                of the distribution in the corresponding sigma/mu index.

        target = target.expand_as(sigma)
        if log:
            ret = -torch.log(sigma) - 0.5 * LOG2PI - 0.5 * torch.pow((target - mu) / sigma, 2)
            ret = (ONEOVERSQRT2PI / sigma) * torch.exp(-0.5 * ((target - mu) / sigma) ** 2)
        return ret  #, 2)

    def log_prob(self, pi, sigma, mu, y):
        log_component_prob = self.gaussian_probability(sigma, mu, y, log=True)
        log_mix_prob = torch.log(nn.functional.gumbel_softmax(pi, tau=self.hparams.softmax_temperature, dim=-1) + 1e-15)
        return torch.logsumexp(log_component_prob + log_mix_prob, dim=-1)

    def sample(self, pi, sigma, mu):
        """Draw samples from a MoG."""
        categorical = Categorical(pi)
        pis = categorical.sample().unsqueeze(1)
        sample = Variable(, 1).normal_())
        # Gathering from the n Gaussian Distribution based on sampled indices
        sample = sample * sigma.gather(1, pis) + mu.gather(1, pis)
        return sample

    def generate_samples(self, pi, sigma, mu, n_samples=None):
        if n_samples is None:
            n_samples = self.hparams.n_samples
        samples = []
        softmax_pi = nn.functional.gumbel_softmax(pi, tau=self.hparams.softmax_temperature, dim=-1)
        assert (softmax_pi < 0).sum().item() == 0, "pi parameter should not have negative"
        for _ in range(n_samples):
            samples.append(self.sample(softmax_pi, sigma, mu))
        samples =, dim=1)
        return samples

    def generate_point_predictions(self, pi, sigma, mu, n_samples=None):
        # Sample using n_samples and take average
        samples = self.generate_samples(pi, sigma, mu, n_samples)
        if self.hparams.central_tendency == "mean":
            y_hat = torch.mean(samples, dim=-1)
        elif self.hparams.central_tendency == "median":
            y_hat = torch.median(samples, dim=-1).values
        return y_hat.unsqueeze(1)

gaussian_probability(sigma, mu, target, log=False)

Returns the probability of target given MoG parameters sigma and mu.


Name Type Description Default
sigma BxGxO

The standard deviation of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, G is the number of Gaussians, and O is the number of dimensions per Gaussian.

mu BxGxO

The means of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, G is the number of Gaussians, and O is the number of dimensions per Gaussian.

target BxI

A batch of target. B is the batch size and I is the number of input dimensions.


Returns: probabilities (BxG): The probability of each point in the probability of the distribution in the corresponding sigma/mu index.

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
def gaussian_probability(self, sigma, mu, target, log=False):
    """Returns the probability of `target` given MoG parameters `sigma` and `mu`.

        sigma (BxGxO): The standard deviation of the Gaussians. B is the batch
            size, G is the number of Gaussians, and O is the number of
            dimensions per Gaussian.
        mu (BxGxO): The means of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, G is the
            number of Gaussians, and O is the number of dimensions per Gaussian.
        target (BxI): A batch of target. B is the batch size and I is the number of
            input dimensions.
        probabilities (BxG): The probability of each point in the probability
            of the distribution in the corresponding sigma/mu index.

    target = target.expand_as(sigma)
    if log:
        ret = -torch.log(sigma) - 0.5 * LOG2PI - 0.5 * torch.pow((target - mu) / sigma, 2)
        ret = (ONEOVERSQRT2PI / sigma) * torch.exp(-0.5 * ((target - mu) / sigma) ** 2)
    return ret  #, 2)

sample(pi, sigma, mu)

Draw samples from a MoG.

Source code in src/pytorch_tabular/models/common/heads/
def sample(self, pi, sigma, mu):
    """Draw samples from a MoG."""
    categorical = Categorical(pi)
    pis = categorical.sample().unsqueeze(1)
    sample = Variable(, 1).normal_())
    # Gathering from the n Gaussian Distribution based on sampled indices
    sample = sample * sigma.gather(1, pis) + mu.gather(1, pis)
    return sample